Current or Renewing Member Sign In
Current Membership Sign-in Instructions: New members go to new membership page here.
As a current member the South Dakota Stockgrowers Association we may have your eMail address, phone, physical addres on file, simply enter your eMail address and request a password. Orginally if you signed up and included your eMail address is should open your membership file. Now sign in and the system will email the temporary password and you'll be able to log-in. Now you're able to renew, register for the convention or purchase other SDSGA products and services.
The membership system primarly works with your eMail addres and if you did not use an eMail address when you joined, we have to update your membership file. This can be done by sending us an eMail by clicking the red button to your right. We will enter your email into the system and you will be able to proceed with accessing your membership allowing you to purchase membership, convention registration or other products and services from SDSGA in the future. If you wish to do this by mail please see the black button below.
SDSGA Membership Benefits:
* Subscription to the South Dakota Stockgrowers Magazine distributed Quarterly
* Special Discounted rates for online and print advertising of your farm/ranch or livestock sales
* Direct emails from SDSG on industry news
* One voting right per member to elect directors and/or change policy of the South Dakota Stockgrowers Organization
* Full-time lobbyist representing SDSG in Pierre
* Direct announcements with updates affecing the SD State Veterinary Board and SD State Brand Board
* Networking Events and seminars promoting and affecting the stockgrowers/livestock producers of South Dakota
* Access to Market Reports
Copywrite: South Dakota Stockgrowers
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 818, Rapid City, SD 57709
Street Address:
426 St. Joseph Street, Rapid City, SD 57701
Please call first. Office hours are limited.