South Dakota Stockgrowers Association Regional and District Leaders

    Mission Statement

The South Dakota Stockgrowers Association is an organization driven by its members, working from the ground up to support, strengthen, and advocate for the cattle industry in South Dakota.

Our individual members play a crucial role in shaping the future of the livestock industry in our state. They take charge of important issues, representing the industry at the national level, in our state legislature, and in the media.

Every member has the power to influence the policies and priorities of SDSGA. By coming together and making collective decisions, we can make a significant impact.

SDSGA members are committed to promoting the livestock industry and creating opportunities for profitability. We share a common bond rooted in our respect for the land and the animals under our care.

By standing together, we can protect and safeguard these shared interests.

    State Officers

   Regional Vice Presidents

Directors and Districts:

South Dakota Stockgrowers Past Presidents

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